Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Take It Easy~Day 4 Task

Something to remember, we are just at the beginning of this journey so let's not overload our minds and bodies.  We are here to do the best we can, not push ourselves so far we quit before we even begin.  Back to a 15 to 20 minute run/walk for today (which is actually tomorrow), so pace yourself and if you get to 15 minutes and feel done, then you've still made it to our goal for today.  Let us all know how your doing and gear up for our first group run on Saturday, February 12th in the AM. 


  1. I took my rest day on Tuesday, so I walked for a half hour Wednesday. :D

  2. I got my 20 minutes in today. My back is so sore from my core class yesterday, so all I did today was my 20 minutes of running/walking. But thats ok, Im getting there, I didnt feel out of breath or anything. I think I found a good pace for me to start at!!

  3. I got my half hour in today. Less jogging than the other days, but as least I was out moving!
